See real life (live) one-on-one encounters with Hot Babes so you too could go from a cold walk-up to a hot steamy love session in just a few minutes!
Using your skills in the real world is the toughest part of Speed Seduction. Every situation you encounter with women is different and every woman responds differently to SS. This incredible new DVD set empowers you with awesome tools you can apply in real life as soon as you've seen them. That's why I'm so proud of these incredible real life DVDs from brothers Orion and Kamal: the Magical Connections DVDs. The success of their Troubleshooters CDs motivated them to bring to you another SIZZLING HOT product! In these powerful new DVDs they will show you secrets so powerful you'll cream in your pants to get the chance to USE THEM NOW IN REAL LIFE!!
For four hours, Orion and Kamal will be your personal coaches, and will show you step-by-step:
- How to create instant rapport in any situation
- How to create intrigue and fascination with total bullshit
- How to turn her resistance into instant respect for you
- How to make her think you know how to read her palm - while filling her mind with ultra-juicy sexual suggestions
- How to create trance states with your voice, and then plant post-hypnotic suggestions
- How to quickly go for the physical close
and my personal favorites, including... Orion's amazing Energy Massage Pattern to get a woman to feel your psychic power - And let you feel her - massaging the babe just moments after you meet her!
Find out how you can learn from real seduction situations to get what you want!