When I began to write out some of the stuff in my brain, I could see that there was just massive chaos everywhere I went; fucked up day jobs, people lying to you right to your face.
No one cared about shit, as long as they got what they wanted. "Hooray for me and fuck you" , seemed to be the social mantra.
People were just letting politicians, priests, pastors, teachers, etc., get away with it. I'd ask, �why don't you say something?�
People said they were worried about the repercussions. They didn't want their friends or family to be hurt by those who disagreed with what they may want to say.
I thought - fuck them - and said "if you won't say it then I will" . Somebody needed to say something!
I don't have any kids, nor do I want any. And, I don't give a rats ass about what most people think of me.
So, I just started writing about shit that happened to me, letting people really know how I felt, saying what needed to be said.
I continue to ask the questions that no one wants to ask, cuz they really don't want the answers.
Really, what I am trying to do, is to say what most people want to say, but don't have the balls to say....
- Taylor Inc.