Have you gotten yourself a Grapho-Deck yet? If you haven't you are truly an idiot, because as I've alerady said elsewhere in this catalog, it's the single best way to meet women I've ever encountered! Anyway, the creator of the Deck, Bart Baggett, has come out with this dynamite book, that will show you how to use secrets from handwriting analysis, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, and sales psychology to put yourself in the driver's seat and enjoy the romantic relationships of your choice!
Listen: some people hae said that most stuff shows them how to get involved and that they want more than that! (Geez, some people have sick values). But anyway, if you do want more, and want to learn how to build meaningful love relationships with virtually anyone, then this book will show you how to break the ice, develop rapport, and take the proper approach to get you results, FAST!!!
Chapter titles include:
- "Thinking Patterns and Intelligence"
- "How To Meet Anyone You Desire"
- "Creating Chemistry"
- "Sex Drives (see page 157: Danielle; the Sad Sexy Self-Destructing Slut)"
- "Difficult People"
- "Hell Traits"
- "Would You Date This Person?"
And much, much more! 280 pages of powerful self-improvement that also happens to be halariously funny reading! Get a copy NOW!!!!!
Highest possible recommendation!!