Does this stuff really work?
I get this question alot. What the person is really asking is, "Can you guarantee that this will work for ME?" And my answer is: absolutely not! Not unless YOU can guarantee ME that YOU will do the work of learning it, practicing and mastering it! But IF you can guarantee you will do the course work, I absolutely guarantee you will get the results you desire, no ifs, ands or buts.
Will this work on older women? Younger women? Beautiful women?
It will work with any woman of any age, plain or gorgeous, as long as she has a mind and an imagination.
Can I use this to get that one special girl I've always wanted?
Yes. MANY customers order for just that purpose, or to find ONE special girl they have yet to meet. This is a perfectly legitimate and easy way to cut through YEARS of searching, loneliness, miscues, mistakes and dead-ends. If you fit this category, by all means order your course right now and don't waste another minute on the "crap-shoot" called dating!
Is this disrespectful to women?
No...absolutely not! I love, love, LOVE women. Women, when properly communicated with, can be the delights of the universe. It is not disrespectful to give a woman an opportunity to discover that she doesn't need the outdated courting rituals of the modern world in order to feel that wonderful sense of attraction and connection with a man. AND it is even more wonderful to realize that you can get a woman past what she is "typically" attracted to. As I said on TV, "the problem with a woman going for her "type" is that what is typical never lets her discover the extraordinary, which by definition isn't what she is expecting".
Does ordering this course make me a loser? What are your typical students like?
My students range from 18 to gentlemen in their 70's! Many are highly successful and busy professionals, including surgeons, chiropractors, lawyers, engineers, etc. Some are what the press would typically expect, needing some serious guidance when it comes to attracting women, but by far the majority are men who have done quite well in life, are very busy, and don't have time for the hit and miss dating nonsense that just doesn't work very well for
ANY man.
In my way of viewing things, the only "losers" in life are those who keep doing the same old thing they've been doing, over and over, hoping to get a different result! Winners recognize there is a better way and take action...right NOW! Today!
I'm not very good at talking, how can I make sure this works for me.
I wasn't very good at talking either, at least not to women. This course will help you become good at it. After all, when we first started to walk, NONE of us were good at it! The most important skills of our lives are learned, NOT something we are born with. How cruel and unfair to expect men to be born knowing how to talk to women! Free yourself of that wicked, unfair belief and claim the success that is waiting for your bold and determined move.
Does this course require that I be mean / cruel / a jerk to women? I sure don't want to do that.
Absolutely, 100% NO! It's true, most men when they "date" have to choose between being a "bully"...a "jerk" who never gives in or a "supplicant"...a beggar who does ANYTHING a woman wants. My course gives you the option to be a truly gentle-MAN someone who NEVER bullies or BEGS, but instead structures wonderful opportunities, offers her challenges, and captivates and stimulates her deepest levels of imagination. That's not being cruel that's being awesome. And you deserve to be know how good it feels for you and her to do this.
How can I come up with new ideas?
Do something different. A new idea is created by using lateral thinking and power attitude. Weather you are looking for a new sex idea, or a new carrier idea, a new money making idea, a new useful idea or a new money making product the process is the same.
So thanks for finding a new idea breakthrough technique. Get Hidden Wisdom: Overcoming Creative Blocks
Isn't this course really expensive?
Compared to the actual cost of the paper and tapes, sure. Compared to the costs in time, energy, focus and money spent "dating" and the results you will see and enjoy, the opportunity to now purchase this course is the most astounding bargain of your lifetime! And compared to the success and lifelong pleasure you'll enjoy with the opposite sex, we ought to be selling it for ten times more than what you are investing to buy it today!
Is presence really all about religion?
NO. Presence is about how you carry yourself and about the energy you project. Start noticing the presence of others, learn real presence, stage presence, executive presence, leadership presence, command presence and professional presence jus by listening.
Get Creating a Presence |
What can I do to become more self assertive?
Increasing Assertiveness is easy. Just think sales and have the best interest of the other person at heart. This will allow developing positive self assertiveness skills. A virtual complete guide for idiots and dummies is available. Creating and developing assertiveness success is more than technique.
In a perfect life, the right relationship has equality between assertiveness and compassion. Weather at work or in the workplace, your attitude about assertiveness is all part of the business psychology.  |
How can I get a better understanding of motivation and emotions?
Study and experiment. Strong emotions are a result of strong beliefs. Don't let you emotion run your life may not be a bad statement. Life would be very dull and boring if you never express your feelings. Even worse if you have no feelings at all. Managing emotion and emotion psychology are key. Healing emotions are a natural by product.
You can improve life by recognizing and then facing your emotional feelings. Effective communication and emotion are ultimately tied together.
Check out Changing Emotions: A Stress Management Program and Feeling Better: The Mind/Body Connection  |
How can you tell if a chick is really hot?
A truly hot chick is more than looks as you obviously realize. Many a hot chick is really cold or dead on the inside.
You can test for body feelings and what is on the inside. Start by asking questions about emotions and what
evokes them.  |
What is the best way to use chat rooms?
Follow these three basic steps. A. Meet the online B. Get them off the computer as soon as possible and get them on the phone C. Get them off the phone as soon as possible and meet them for a cup of coffee during the day. These steps apply weather you chat with girls, chat with women, have fun chatting up girls or have fun chatting up women. The more senses you can use the better. In person, you can use all your senses.
Check out Methods & Masters: Online Seduction |
Can Charisma be learned?
YES Charisma can be defined as a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a public figure.
You can unlock the secrets of charisma in influence and showmanship to win everyone just by listening to a special CD. Whatever your reasons, weather you key on developing magnetism for success or maximize sales you can attract and charm a customer thus develop the art or selling. Just click on "Personal Ecology".
Capture a new secret magic skill for leaders and lovers. Find out that charisma is natural for man and a key factor in leadership ability.
Check out Fear into Charisma |
What is the key(s) to arousal?
There are one or two, depending on how you look at it. To arouse a girl, woman, female, wife or partner you 1) capture and 2) lead the imagination. This basic speed seduction® system premise is focused on body feelings. You establish
a platonic relationship which leads to the arousal state.
Check out Irresistable Arousal |
How does ecology apply to individuals?
Personal Ecology involves the body and mind. Think about congruency as the personal ecology that the external world can see. If a person is ecological as an individual, then his internal beliefs are in alignment with each other and his body.
Check out Personal Ecology: The Complete Self-Esteem Program |
How do I impress someone easily?
It doesn't matter which statement fits you. How to impress a girl, how to impress a woman, how to impress your girlfriend, ways to impress a girl, how to impress your wife, the best ways to impress a lady or simply how to impress her. It could even be how to impress your crush, how to impress your date.
Here is your tip. Take an interest in her as a person. Ask questions which probe values and passions.
Check out The Speed Seduction® System Home Study Course |
Do you have anything for Self Esteem and Self Respect? YES Personal Ecology.
You can break the chain of low self esteem, then you can be on your way to building self esteem. Enhancing self esteem, improve self esteem, boost self esteem, increase self esteem are all you choice.
Must always defend yourself by responding.
Self Esteem - a confidence and satisfaction in oneself.
Look, if someone attacks you verbally or even mildly makes a derogatory remark towards you, you must respond to Preserve Your Self Esteem. If you just sit or stand there and take it and do not respond, you are agreeing with the statements made. You may simply say, "That's your opinion not mine" or "I don't agree" or "I don't agree with that" or " "Everyone has an opinion" or "Everyone has an opinion only mine is important to me". Each time you respond you are increasing your confidence and satisfaction with yourself. This simplest of tools you could call a self esteem builder that results in boosting and raising your self esteem and putting you on the peak performance path. You can look at the psychology, practice it by doing affirmations or other activity. It is a form of self hypnosis that will ultimately assist in moving you away from even depression.
Check out Personal Ecology: The Complete Self-Esteem Program |
Public Speaking - Is this for Public Figures Only.
NO. Traditionally, Public Speaking means giving speeches in public. There is no dialog. Think about the words and how they can be interpreted by the subconscious. Anytime you are speaking to another person you are speaking in public (two or more people are gathered). The reference to speeches is simply that "you are speaking with purpose, you have an opinion". So yes there is the art of public speaking, there is the fear of public speaking, there are special trainings to develop skill.
Mastering confident public speaking is a strategy for personal success. In all the courses, classes, and workshops we represent insures you become effective by overcoming anxiety or phobia. You learn the essential of public speaking not only technique. Yes, its public speaking for dummies, public speaking connecting you and your audience by recognizing that all dialog is public speaking. Help yourself.
Check out Creating a Presence: Confident Public Speaking  |
How can I achieve success through a positive mental attitude?
Examine and develop the discipline to ask the proper questions. The real question is about Mental not Attitude. The phrase may be mental self help, or mental health, or mental toughness or mental game or even mental healing or mental telepathy. It is all about developing practical mental magic.
Start with these questions each time an occasion arises. How can I make this better? How can I take something positive away from this? How can I think about this differently? How can I practice and learn from this experience. Every experience is life may not be pleasant or go the way you expected. You can ALWAYS learn a positive mental lesson. Direct these questions to your subconscious (Greater Mind) and body.
Check out The Magick/Psychic Influence Home Study Course |
All my relationships are disasters, what can I do?
ALL must include love relationships, long distance relationships, dating relationships, intimate relationships, healthy relationships, sex and sexual relationships, romantic relationships, relationships and romance, adult relationships, discreet relationship, new relationships, personal relationships and long term relationships. Is your problem with getting into them or staying in them or getting out of them? Do you want to rescue a relationship? Help a love relationship problem can be viewed as a science. It ALL comes down to the language secrets of relationships. A relationship requires a attachment of some kind. For Example, a man relationship with a woman requires some element of attractiveness on both sides. So here is one relationship tip, if you are saving a relationship or want to break up a relationship or are ending a relationship or on the relationship rebound pay attention to the communication and elements that made the relationship. To create a magical relationship, the best advice for love relationships is to pay attention. Pay attention to the elements that causes or caused the attraction.  |
How do I choose a weight loss program?
Look everybody is looking from that fast, quick, rapid, natural, easy, healthy, safe weight loss product or program or system or solution. The weight loss information below is to help your motivation and is best when viewed understandingly.
Most people are not genetically obese. The subconscious will interpret words with all meaning if it has a choice. Depending on the age and environment, two words are most commonly at the root of the problem. I normally say this verbally and so it may not come across in writing as well. Here goes.
A person who has a weight problem has a weight problem. Let me say that again, "A person who has a weight problem has a WAIT problem. They are waiting (weighting) for something. Waiting for the next job, waiting to find a girl friend or boy friend, waiting for graduation, waiting till whatever task is done. When they stop waiting, they stop weighting.
A person who has a waist problem has a waist problem. Let me say that again, "A person who has a waist problem has a WASTE problem. They may have been raised in the last depression. They were told to eat everything on their plate as children were starving in Africa.
Many times just the conscious recognition of the multiple interpretation is sufficient to give the subconscious (Greater Mind) the information is needs and the wait and waste is over. Just remember that whether you eat it all
or not, the remains are still going to waste and the children are still going to be starving.
So how surprised will you be when just this slim information works for you?
Check out Inside/Outside : The Motivational Weight Loss Program  |
Stop Smoking Now you say.
There are many products and ways to stop smoking cigarettes. There are help programs, aids, easy ways to stop smoking now. The Hypnosis and Hypnotist stop smoking ebook and mp3 audios are what we recommend. The Book is in Audio as well as the Hypnosis Induction. If you want a Book and CD using hypnotism that will naturally teach you self hypnosis for stop smoking. It is available that way also. It could be natural that you stop smoking cold turkey.
Check out How to Stop Smoking |
How to Relieve Stress
Definition of Stress - constraining force or influence: as a physical, chemical or emotional factor that causes bodily or mental tension and may be a factor in disease causation.
There are two parts to this question. What caused the stress and What to do when you have it. Our goal is to eliminate it. Isn't that the best solution? Many of you just accept that the source is a given and therefore you have only one option and that is to deal with it. This also implies that there are different stresses based on the source and they should be treated differently. Maybe Not.
Many things can be done to teach you the art of stress free living leading, of course, to increased productivity. Do you want to relieve or reduce stress, have stress reduction, stress relief, or compressive stress management. If you are using terms like coping with stress, stress and anxiety, managing stress, stress management technique, dealing with stress, stress relieving, how to relieve stress, reduce stress, psychology stress, how to manage stress, stress relieving, stress relaxation, stress headache, stress depression, ways to relieve stress, stress and weight gain, then you are really taking about the tension.
Most of the sources you have expressed are work stress, job stress, traumatic stress, life stress, workplace stress. These are the constraining forces or influences. The resulting tension is the other part of the definition.
The treating the tension is out there is a large numbers of different ways. There are relaxation audio and video products. There are physical products from massage to whirl pools. There are some self hypnosis tools of which I
will tell you some about. There is a lot less on taking care of the source. What if you could change the source. Learn to change your beliefs/outlook on possibility and have that directly or indirectly change the source. Wow what a concept. What would it be like to have the house burning down and you not panic and simply and quickly say women and children first, then the most valuable contents knowing that they are all just physical trinkets that are left and while they represent fond memories, life is the future.
Check out Changing Emotions: A Stress Management Program  |
Coping - to maintain a contest or usually on even terms or with success.
Skill coping with anxiety attack, panic attack, difficult people, stress, depression, anger, breaking up or change is
the most common desire in a changing world.
The "with success" is usually not the case with coping. If it were truly successful then it would end. Coping usually carries the connotation of ongoing. When one is looking for assistance coping they are not looking at the source as in Stress. They are looking at how to accept the source and keep going. Our focus is on both, you and the source and how to effectively change the situation.
Check out Changing Emotions: A Stress Management Program  |
Anger - an intense emotional state induced by displeasure.
Dealing with anger and anger management techniques to control anger is vital for many. Controlling anger, letting go of anger, healing anger are all ways of how to deal with anger and manage anger. Transforming anger is to transform yourself. Looking back in anger is just keeping the same anchor going through time. The key to how to deal with anger is the displeasure. Think about it. Displeasure is caused by your expectations and/or ego, usually someone did something different from what you told them to do or thought they should do based on your beliefs. Think about the most recent time you got angry. What were your expectations? Where did the intense emotions come from? Forget the person or incident. Why the intense emotions? That is what you need to address.
Check out Changing Emotions: A Stress Management Program |
Is it possible to learn to listen, I mean really listen?
Listening the forgotten skill is certainly a limiting belief. Active listening is a listening skill. The art of listening
encompasses effective listening and listening comprehension. Improving listening skill, active listening skill, reflective
listening along with speaking and listening is the main goal. Stop believing nobodys listening or they are not
listening. Everybody listens all the time. They have no choice. The problem is their programming. The conscious and
subconscious both hear the words. It is the comparing of those sounds with what is stored that causes the
misinterpretation or dismissal of importance. By changing your words, tonality, etc you can change what people
hear. By changing the filters you have when listening, you can change what you hear. For example, in today's
society of political correctness when you hear the word gay, what does it mean? Listen for more than one meaning.
That is what the greater mind does. And if it has more than one meaning stored, it will use both.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is a way of introducing people to influencing through psychological skill and
understanding of how the brain processes language. Through these skills one can learn influencing others,
influencing with integrity, remote influencing, human behavior influencing. The art of influencing people is not
persuasion it is communicating, mind reading, done without authority. It is more than making or winning friends and
influencing people. Influencing is about assisting people get what they want.
We have courses-Speed Seduction® System & the Language and Conversation Course to give you the skill training you
Secret and Techniques of Closing the Sale or Deal
Speed Selling Too goes into the art and psychology of closing sales and selling. For fast closing, test often. What
needs to happen next? How do you want to proceed? How do you want to handle payment? Are you ready? Have
all your IMPORTANT questions been answered?
Check out Speed Selling Too |
Competing - The analytic new science of winning.
Competing is not going away. You are always competing for something. You may be looking for leadership values to
compete. You may think competing is about talent. Winning without competing is an illusion. The best way to look at competing is competing within yourself. Our Quest For Excellence is the competing edge to give you vision into your future. As you look at competing as something you are always doing anyway, then it is no big deal.
Check out Quest For Excellence |
How to Prioritize and organize work, project, assignment or your to do list.
Prioritize based on your skill first. Do the easy things, then do your preparation for the next easiest and do that
and so on.
Check out Procrastination - A Rhythmic Approach for setting priorities |
Hand Writing Analysis Made Easy
Get the Grapho Deck and become an instant expert.
Check out The Grapho Deck |
Looking for a completely different way to think about the rest of your life?
Then think about rest, and never rest your desire to learn.
Check out Quest For Excellence |
What is Anchoring?
Anchoring is the art of linking thing together. To Master Anchoring with NLP get Anchoring and other sneaky stuff.
Check out Advanced Anchoring and Other Sneaky Stuff |
What is the height of insecurity?
When someone resets his watch every time they see one different from their own. Seriously, are you an insecure
man or woman or just insecure with a girl, your girlfriend, boyfriend, relationship or with people in general. If you
want to stop being insecure or needy, then here is the key. Insecurity is just another word for inexperience. So go
out and practice and enjoy the process of FAILING and learning each time.
Check out Personal Ecology: The Complete Self-Esteem Program |
How can I tell if someone is Lying?
We have the product "How To Tell When Someone Is Lying" by Scott Bolan. You can learn how to catch a liar,
spot people telling the truth and began to understand why. Learn how to spot a liar and know when your lover is a
liar. You will also understand how to deal with a liar. Basically, this skill will allow you to know what to do. For
example, if they promise you something, you now know what to expect, NOTHING. You can act accordingly.
Is Personal Power about ones influence over others or influence over ones self including ones body?
Interesting question. I think most people think of it as power over others. I think it is all three. Anthony Robbins
Personal Power is about others. Beliefs, The Path to Health and Well Being by Roberts Dilts is about you and others.
In the Navy Seal training they put forth a couple of premises. One, never leave a buddy behind. Two, if you and your
buddy are drowning and you have a choice to save you or your buddy, then who do you save. The Answer: Save
Yourself First. You are no good to anybody dead. So do you really have personal power if you can not apply that
power to yourself both mentally and physically. There is personal power through awareness, discovering in life ones
personal power and strength through words, personal power training, the dynamics of mental personal power with
success thinking. These all but a small segment of the power of the Greater Mind. The key to healing with personal
power is belief change. Using affirmations, sounds, or healing mantras are tools in personal power and without the
belief. It is just one aspect of the power of personal accountability. Accountability and choice are linked. The power
of choice is a guide to personal and professional self management. You can start in the seduction area with the
Delux Speed Seduction® System Home Study Course. You can start Belief changes with "Changing Limiting Beliefs". You can
also choose any of the HPP products to experience overt and covert beliefs changes.
Check out Changing Limiting Beliefs |
Is there a shyness cure?
People look at shyness as though it was a thing. It is not a thing. It is not a heart, or liver. It is not a virus or
fungus. It usually is not always there. You are not shy with your mother or family. People tend to want to overcome
shyness, or find about overcoming shyness, or triumph over shyness, or how to get rid of shyness. Some put in the
situation like overcome shyness around girl, shyness around or with women, overcoming shyness around or with
girl, how to overcome shyness with women, shyness dating, love shyness, relationship and shyness. Some act like
all they need is a tip for overcoming shyness or a simple treatment. This is not the case. SHYNESS is a state that
has been anchored to an event. How it got that way may or may not be important. So now when a similar event or
situation occurs, you go into the SHY state and it is not Montana. Many times the conscious recognition of the
linkage is enough to break the anchor. YOU can stop going into the shy state if YOU CHOOSE. NOW, by the way,
there are many situations where ACTING SHY is a good state to be in. What would it be like if IN THE FUTURE, if
every time you started into this state, you laughed. AND the MORE you laughed, the MORE you realized how silly
the past has been. Stupid Rabbit.
How to Master the Art of Selling and Sales, that is the question.
Have you ever noticed that schools and colleges do not teach courses in sales or selling? Selling has gotten a bad
name over the years. People do not want to be SOLD. They want assistance and information. The foundation of
Sales and Selling is the same for all things. It is not different for selling crafts or selling insurance or selling a dream
or selling stock or selling jewelry or selling property or selling e book or selling breast milk or anyone over the phone
or selling mortgages or selling cars or selling real estate or selling a small business or selling art or selling an
annuity or selling anything else. We all want selling skill, personal selling power and make money selling with
integrity while learning the psychology of selling. Here is the first thing to handle. Ask this question. Have you ever
met a salesman you liked? Most people will say NO. If they say NO, then ask, "If you were to meet a salesman you
liked, then what is about that person that would make you like them." The answer is what you have to do. It is the
criteria you have to meet. If they do say YES, then ask the same second question. "What was it about the salesman
that you liked". This alone will increase your sales. This is not a sales technique. Yes there is more. Sales Training,
Management sales, sales selling, marketing sales, business sales, coaching sales, direct sales, management sales
training, sales technique are all included in three main products. A. Speed Selling Too B. Sales Mastery C. Money
Wealth and Prosperity
Check out Speed Selling Too , Sales Mastery , Money Wealth and Prosperity  |
Are personal improvement products really the key to Taking Charge of Life?
YES for many. For those who were raised in a victim environment of always blaming or finding an excuse for almost
everything it is a must. You can learn the dynamics of taking charge and apply it to taking charge of career change
or the strategy of leaders in taking charge. Start by looking at events small and large and take responsibility for
your actions. For example, you ran out of gas on the freeway, instead of cussing and blaming someone else, just
relax and say to yourself, "This is a result that could have been avoided IF and I am now just accepting the
responsibility and will go get some gas". If you are down and want to bounce back, then get "Resilience"
Check out Personal Ecology: The Complete Self-Esteem Program |
Could you explain the body connection to the mind and the relation to feeling better and staying healthy?
Not Here. However our "Feeling Better" product can be the corner stone guide to wellness and staying healthy.
Staying fit and healthy by boosting the immune system is just one area of the product. However I will let you know
this. The Brain and human is the ultimate chemical factory and can manufacture any chemical in the world. It is up to
you NOW.
Check out Feeling Beter: The Mind/Body Connection |
Is there a secret of unlimited prosperity?
Financial prosperity, effortless prosperity, creating true prosperity, open your mind to prosperity, power and
prosperity, prosperity consciousness, true prosperity, creating true prosperity First, let us define Prosperity - A
condition of being successful or thriving. Most people think of this as having a lot of money. This is not a necessary
condition of prosperity. I have a neighbor whose father worked in a oil refinery as a maintenance man his entire life.
When he died he was a multi-millionaire. He also had a knack and discipline for investing in the stock market. Was
he prosperous? You Bet, he raised his family well, all the kids went to college and are in successful in their
occupations. He lived a modest life style because he was happy and content within himself and it shows with his
kids. Is this unlimited prosperity? For him it was. Does the foundations that the Gates' or Rockefellers' and others
set up make their families prosperous without limit or simply wealthy. Your choice. So creating true effortless
prosperity is about you knowledge of yourself. It is not about power and prosperity as power really has nothing to
do with prosperity. Creating true prosperity requires to simply open your mind to prosperity and understanding the
difference between Money, Wealth and Prosperity. Does this give new meaning to Financial prosperity, I think so.
So get the product now. Money, Wealth and Prosperity by Dr Lloyd Glauberman Here
Check out Money Wealth and Prosperity |
Isn't Manipulation bad?
Manipulation is to move in a direction with deliberateness. It is neither good or bad. The result may be GOOD OR
BAD because of the INTENT. If you have the best interest of the individual at heart, then the manipulation is good.
The art of manipulation can be for emotional manipulation(cheerleading) which is simply mental manipulation. You
can also learn to manipulate energy with the ancient and modern ninja and huna techniques. Now you can
understand the difference between persuasion and manipulation. Manipulation can control limiting beliefs thus
freeing the self or keeping the self stuck.
Check out Magick/Psychic Influence |
Can you explain to me why people (I) have so much trouble with Communication?
As you probably guessed by now, I like definitions. The number one definition for communication is "an act of transmitting". It implies ONE WAY and has no mention of content of what was transmitted. The number three definition is "a process by which information is exchanged between individuals through a common system of symbols, signs or behavior". I like this one. By focusing on two points you will greatly enhance the ways to communicate. Point one is information exchanged. Point two is the common system. In human communication and understanding human communication it requires a certain level of common language which includes environmental background. If a very religious person wants to clearly communicate their views with someone who does not have the same upbringing, then it is the responsibility of the speaker to learn and adapt to the audience to communicate with clarity. If two people are engaged in interpersonal communication and want to be effective and they come from different economic backgrounds, then each must be aware and use that knowledge to be effective in communication. They must also be aware of their non verbal and verbal communication. For Example, if a person is saying "yes" while shaking their head "no". This non verbal communication should be noticed and determined whether it is a symbol or sign which is not congruent. So to effectively communicate or communicate well, one should always consciously have a purpose and know the model of the world of the person or audience. Also remember, when you are talking to a person, there are two people listening and one of them is you. Pay attention to your "self talk" and change it. All these together will allow you to communicate with confidence. Advertising is a similar situation. To know if you are effectively communicating, you must have feedback, the other part of the information exchange. The feedback is sales or questions. Am I communicating effectively with you? I can look at orders and questions coming back from you. If what I have to offer does not resonate with you, you will unsubscribe. If you like what you read and use it, then you will buy a product from us. If the products produce results for you, you will come back for more. Does that make cents and dollars? 
Can you give me some advice on Goal Setting?
You know what they say advice is worth. My goal is to give you some tools that you will use. The first tool is to realize that you already have goals that your mind is working on 100 percent of the time. The object is to consciously change those. One goal setting technique many recommend is writing down goals. This is good. The results usually are limited. Think of it this way. If you are baking and keep opening the oven door to check on the contents, then what happens: The baking fails. Follow these steps to increase the effectiveness of your writing. 1. Write down in objective terms where you are now. I make xxx dollars. I have had three dates this year. I have a bachelor degree. 2. Write down a time frame. 6 months, 1 year, 2 years. Put this date on the outside of an envelope. 3. Write down in objective terms where you want to be in the stated time frame. I will be making YYY dollars. I will have had 14 dates. I will have my masters degree. By making this simple adjustment, you are giving you subconscious mind the instructions and trusting it to do its job. Of course, if you set goals you do not believe, then you have missed realistic goal setting and missed the premise of this new dynamic of goal setting. This will work for sales goal setting, performance goal setting, business goal setting, weight loss goal setting, fitness goal setting or professional goal setting. This is just one smart goal setting strategy. For success in your personal planning goal setting, the secret is do it consciously and realistically. When the mind sees a new strategy that is working, it will quickly adapt it to other applications (goals). Practice, for example, is a great way to achieving many goals, this success will be the motivation to continue goal setting. You don't need a big elaborate program for goal setting. Effective goal setting is can be short term or long term. The secret is how the conscious and subconscious mind relate to the goal setting idea and the help given the subconscious. In coaching soccer, I gather the players around before the game and ask each the same question, "What is your goal for this game?" One replies, "To score a goal" I say, "Then you focus on that" Another says, "To assist on a goal" Another says, "To have a shutout" Another says, "To stay in the game at max speed the entire game" You guessed it. I tell each of them to focus on their goal for the game. And guess what happens to the team. State your short term goal to your subconscious; out loud if possible as both conscious and subconscious (Greater Mind) get it simultaneously. Do It And Notice What Happens. 
Is it realistic to believe I can create Unlimited Wealth?
Wealth is the abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. So what is the difference between rich and wealthy? You can say I am rich and you can say I am wealthy. You can say I have wealth. You can't say I have rich. You could look at is a wealth is everything but money and rich is money. Typically you can loose money a lot easier than you can loose wealth. Unlimited is a pretty big number. I think what you really mean is "Can I accumulate those valuable material possessions or resource in the abundance so that I do not have to be concerned with how to support the life style I CHOOSE. This is true wealth and implies great health. Yes, it is realistic. Several of our programs and workshops focus on building wealth, creating wealth, wealth creation and the wealth management that follows. One of the secrets to master that fountain of wealth is to become a wealth builder. It is not an instant process. Many of you have wealth today and are interested in more wealth without risk. Every venture has risk. The real objective is to minimize risk. Wealth and power are not necessarily connected. Sure some wealthy people have power, political power, economic power, financial power, business power. They are usually referred to as Rich and Powerful not Wealthy and Powerful.
Start with Money, Wealth and Prosperity 
How can I get referrals? Ask. Think about it. Have you ever been to a movie and liked it so much that you could not wait until you could tell your friends? Have you ever experienced anything that you liked and felt so good about that you wanted to tell everyone? It's just human nature to want to share something that you think is good, especially with someone you like. It is that kind of experience that makes the world go round and is the main reason you hear the phrase, "Word of Mouth Marketing is Best". So as you read this again, it is now my honor to ask you for a referral. Yes, if you like our newsletters and think they are worth while, then I ASK you to pass this newsletter on to others and/or have then sign up NOW. /ssnnewslettersignup.html Just copy and paste this link and send it to as many as you like. You don't have to explain anything. Just say what you feel and ask them to find out for themselves.  |
What is the difference between Procrastination and Time Management? If you have trouble getting started then you are procrastinating. If you have trouble finishing what you have started then you need time management. Typically, the learned behavior becomes a habit. For many, they feel the need to know all the steps or the results BEFORE they start. They do not view the smallest of first steps as taking a step. I like the view of Richard Bandler I heard in one of his workshops; have you ever noticed that procrastinators NEVER HESITATE TO DO SO. So no matter how you view it, the key is to do something, let us get it started. You can view it as overcoming procrastination, conquering procrastination, stopping procrastination, living without procrastination, or dealing with procrastination. In each case you are viewing procrastination as a physical problem versus a mental one. Again the key to overcome procrastination, help procrastination, cure procrastination, beat procrastination, end procrastination is to do something or anything. The first resource change of changing your life with procrastination is to be creative. You can end it now with procrastination. The motivation is not fear or depression to break the habit and hypnosis can be used for procrastination. Check out Procrastination. Look, it is just part of life that you start doing something without knowing how it is going to turn out. Certainty in everything would certainly make a dull and decaying world. 
Can I treat myself for Depression? Of Course you can. Depression is a psychoneurotic disorder marked by sadness, inactivity, difficulty in thinking and concentration. Boy, what a mouth full. In short I think it says that it is all in your head, its mental. As you may have guessed with all my rhetoric, one of the keys is inactivity. As I have written over and over, DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT. I do not subscribe to taking any kind of drugs for anti depression, for dealing with depression, for coping with depression or overcoming depression. Self help for depression treatment starts with the definition above and looking at each part. The sadness is coming from somewhere. Usually it indicates your expectations are unobtainable in your view and thus it is useless to work. The second part is the difficulty in thinking. Because you believe there is no solution, then the brain has trouble coming up with any solutions for anything. The key is to set extremely simple goals and achieve them. The goal could be taking a 1 mile walk every morning and learning something new about something, anything in the environment. Even major depression isn't typically solved overnight. I believe the energy flow with the body get screwed up, this is possible to change very quickly with some of today's new physical technology. 
Is there a way to develop confidence for us introverts? Confidence - faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper or effective way. Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary does it again. I like it. The interesting thing is that by this definition, one does not know if they really have confidence until they ACT. Or is it only belief or faith and you still have confidence even thought you act and it is not effective, right or proper. Maybe you have the belief that you can do the next thing AFTER and it will be right, proper or effective. Interesting. It seems that the key to confidence is to KEEP ACTING. You know I heard practice makes perfect. There is one answer to how to build, develop, boost, improve, gain or achieve your self confidence. You may be looking a one specific area for confidence. It may be confidence with women, sexual confidence, building, developing, or gaining confidence. The ultimate secret of total self confidence is here. Just keep looking at the definition and break it down. Now you know how to succeed at being yourself and finding the confidence to fulfill you destiny. Forget the science of confidence. Go out and practice and learn from the experience. Communicating with confidence is not only in the power of the language or about how to influence people by public speaking. Yes you can take a course or program and gain confidence with hypnosis power through belief or faith change within. Become fearless at job interviewing. The Unstoppable Confidence CDs has one very special exercise that lets you use "every event that does not come out the way you want" and use it to power you into the future. It is universal in application and can be used in overcoming panic, program instant confidence or put you on the path to understanding anxiety and depression. Have faith and act now to get this incredible value and be on the effective way to confidence. 
I was raised to believe Creativity was for artists and other non structured, undisciplined people and people either were or weren't. Is this true? No. Creativity is simply the business of solutions. Solutions come from the word "HOW". The artist' way may look for a spiritual path to higher creativity. Business is all about creativity. Everything material thing that comes from man in the world today is a result of creativity. People create to produce solutions to questions. How can this be done, How can that be accomplished, etc. Creativity is innovation. Serious creativity is asking HOW and using the power of lateral thinking to create a new idea. How engages both sides of the brain for solutions. The creativity psychology is to forget limits. Exploring possibilities is the guide to personal problem solving and creativity. Creativity at work or creativity in business is necessary and should be encouraged. You can use meditation and hypnosis to access consciousness and subconscious powers. It may seems like catching that big fish.
Get Creativity CDs 
How can I get my ex girlfriend back? Thanks for saying ex. Most guys say, "How to get your girlfriend back" which implies that they still have a girlfriend when they do not. The simple answer is take two steps. One: forget her. If you cannot forget her and go do some things differently with other women, then the chances are limited as you will be thinking about loosing her instead of acknowledge that you don't have here now. Step Two: Get the Speed Seduction® System HSC, study and practice. Develop these new skills and then go after you hot ex girlfriend, former girlfriend, cheating girlfriend. Or you can find a brand new cute and crazy girlfriend who like to give blow jobs and is a lesbian. Whatever you want.  |
Why is there all this interest in Pick Up Lines?
Men are lazy when it comes to relationships with women. They think the power is in the pickup line and underneath they know it is not. They just hope to find one that will work for the moment for whatever reason. Typically the type of line they are looking for is a reflection of there beliefs about women. They want a cheesy pick up line, a party pick up line, a cute pick up line, a funny pick up line, a lame pick up line, a sweet pick up line, a romantic pick up line, a dirty pick up line, good pickup line, a bad pick up line, a corny pick up line, an excuse pick up line, a great pick up line. Get the picture, they want the easiest way ever to pick up girls. Some want the world's 100 best pick up lines and believe this is how to pick up beautiful girls or women. These how to pick up chick fanatics want to become pick up artist and are looking for more than pick up tips. The real key for a unique opening line is to look at what is going in your mind and let your curiosity guide you and learn to create and express an opening based on that. It is in my Beliefs program. Many programs such as David Deangelo (Double Your Dating) and Real Social Dynamics teach memorized pick up lines as if they fit all occasions. Not So. 